Grant of Fertilizer Dealership
NFML dealership is required for carrying out fertilizer business. The procedure for grant of dealership is as under:
- Application to the Managing Director, General Manager (Marketing) at Head Office or Regional Manager concerned alongwith copy of CNIC for the grant of dealership
- NFML Marketing Officer conducts survey to assess the suitability of applicant for dealership.
- Survey report, if found suitable, is recommended by the concerned Regional Manager and forwarded to General Manager (Marketing) for approval.
- Applicant is required to provide the following documents:-
- Dealership form duly filled up & signed by the applicant.
- Agreement on Stamp Paper of Rs.100/-
- Undertaking on Stamp Paper of Rs.20/-
- Copy of CNIC.
- 4 copies of passport size photographs of the owner.
- 2 photographs of shop and Godown.
- Bank Certificate.
- NTN certificate.
- Deposit of security (refundable) amount Rs.100, 000 in the shape of Pay Order/ Demand Draft in the name of “NATIONAL FERTILIZER MARKETING LIMITED” payable at Lahore.
- After approval of the competent authority, appointment letter and dealership certificate is issued which is displayed by dealer at his shop.
Refund of Security Deposit
Security deposit amount is refunded on dealer’s request after due process as per company policy.